4 – Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS): Global Challenges for the Model of Liberal Democracy and Market Economy, Freie Universität Berlin, with 7 German academic partners and a range of cooperation partners worldwide
Link: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/inu/excellence-strategy/proposals/scripts/index.html
5 – ‘Defending Democracy: Civil and Military Responses to Weaponized Information’
Princeton University (USA) Link: https://defendingdemocracyforum.princeton.edu/
6- DEMED: ‘Democracy under Threat: How Education Can Save It’
Project led by Prof. Anja Neundorf (School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow). Funded by ERC Consolidator grant awarded in December 2019.
Link: http://www.aneundorf.net/
7 – Democracy2025
Democracy 2025 is an initiative of the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) and the Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis at the University of Canberra (UC-IGPA) aimed at strengthening democratic practice in Australia through research, dialogue and innovation.
Link: https://www.democracy2025.gov.au/
8 – DEMOS: Democratic Efficiency and the Varieties of Populism in Europe
Horizon 2020 – Explores the practical value of ’democratic efficacy’ as the condition of political engagement needed to address the challenge of populism. The concept combines attitudinal features (political efficacy), political skills, knowledge, and democratic opportunity structures.
Link: https://www.eliamep.gr/en/project/demos-democratic-efficacy-varieties-of-populism-in-europe/
9 – Evaluating the Challenge of ‘Fake News’ and Other Maliformation
Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery project led by Dr Scott Wright and Dr Axel Bruns
Link: https://rms.arc.gov.au/RMS/Report/Download/Report/a3f6be6e-33f7-4fb5-98a6-7526aaa184cf/208
10 – Fascism and International Law
Melbourne Law School (DECRA project under PI Dr Rose Parfitt) (Australia)
Link: https://www.fascismandtheinternational.com/
11 – Fatigue project – Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe: Responding to the Rise of Illiberalism/Populism
Horizon 2020 (EU) – 6 partner universities across EU
Link: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ssees/fatigue-partners
12 – Judges under Stress – the Breaking Point of Judicial institutions (JuS)
University of Oslo (Norway)
Link: https://www.jus.uio.no/ifp/english/research/projects/jus/
13 – NORFACE: Democratic governance in a turbulent age
Horizon 2020 (EU) – call issued December 2018 for applications
Link: https://www.norface.net/program/democratic-governance-in-a-turbulent-age/
14 – Parliaments Under Fire
School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London – supported by British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award (held by Dr Ben Noble)
Link: https://www.parliamentsunderfire.com/
15 – Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab (PERIL)
American University, Center for University Excellence (Washington, D.C., USA)
Link: https://www.american.edu/cas/faculty/cynthia.cfm
16 – PolDem: Observatory for Political Conflict and Democracy in Europe
European University Institute, and Edgar Grande and Swen Hutter at the Center for Civil Society Research, a joint initiative by the WZB Social Science Center and Freie Universität Berlin.
Link: https://poldem.eui.eu/
17 – Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism (POPREBEL)
Horizon 2020 (EU) – 6 universities from Central and Eastern Europe
18 – RECONNECT (Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and Rule of Law)
Horizon 2020 (EU) – 18 partner universities across EU + Israel
Link: https://reconnect-europe.eu/
19 – Reshaping European Democracy
Carnegie Democracy and Rule of Law Program – USA
Link: https://carnegieeurope.eu/specialprojects/ReshapingEuropeanDemocracy/
20 – Re:constitution – Exchange and Analysis on Democracy and Rule of Law in Europe
Joint initiative by Democracy Reporting International (DRI) and Forum Transregionale Studien (FTS) to improve European exchanges on constitutional law and values that leads from common words to shared, concrete, concepts.
Link: https://democracy-reporting.org/country/reconstitution/