Archives de catégorie : Rajapaksa

Rajapaksa: a bibliography

Benadusi, Mara. « 3. Cultiver des communautés après une catastrophe. Déferlement de générosité sur les côtes du Sri Lanka », Le gouvernement des catastrophes. Editions Karthala, 2013, pp. 101-146.

Bloch, Ernst & Mark Ritter, Nonsynchronism and the Obligation to Its Dialectics, New
German Critique, No 11 (Spring 1977), pp 22-38

Devotta, Neil. “Terrorism and Democratic Regression in Sri Lanka.” Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 43, no. 14, 2008, pp. 15–17. JSTOR, JSTOR,

Goodhand, Jonathan. “Sri Lanka in 2011: Consolidation and Militarization of the Post-War Regime.” Asian Survey, vol. 52, no. 1, 2012, pp. 130–137. JSTOR, JSTOR,

KADIRGAMAR, AHILAN. “State Power, State Patronage and Elections in Sri Lanka.” Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 45, no. 2, 2010, pp. 21–24. JSTOR, JSTOR,

Madavan, Delon. « Réfugiés tamouls sri lankais : guerre, migration et intégration », Migrations Société, vol. 161, no. 5, 2015, pp. 105-120.

Marcelline, Sanayi, ‘Mahinda- what’s in a name? Democracy in post-war Sri Lanka- The
Politics of Meaning’, Unpublished Research paper, 2018.

Paringaux, Roland-Pierre. « Silence organisé autour d’un massacre », Le Monde diplomatique, vol. 660, no. 3, 2009, pp. 15-15.

“Rajapaksa’s Triumph.” (Editorial) Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 45, no. 6, 2010, pp. 9–9. JSTOR, JSTOR,

Smits, Shyamika Jayasundera, ‘In Pursuit of Hegemony: Politics and State Building in Sri Lanka’, PhD thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2013.

Traverso, Enzo, Left Wing Melancholia. Marxism, History and Memory, New York,
Columbia University Press 2016

UYANGODA, JAYADEVA. “Sri Lanka After the Presidential Election.” Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 45, no. 6, 2010, pp. 12–13. JSTOR, JSTOR,

Wickramasinghe, Nira 2015, Sri Lanka in the Modern Age, C.Hurst, New York, Oxford
University Press

Wickramasinghe, Nira, ‘Sri Lanka in 2007: Military Successes, but at Humanitarian and
Economic Costs’, Asian Survey Vol 48, No 1 (Jan/Feb 2008) pp. 191-197

Wickramasinghe, Nira, ‘Sri Lanka in 2008: Waging War for peace’, Asian Survey Vol 49, 14
No 1, (Jan/Feb. 2009) pp. 59-65

Wickramasinghe, Nira, ‘After the War: Anew Patriotism in Sri Lanka’, The Journal of Asian
Studies, Vol 68, No 4 (Nov. 2009) pp. 1045-1054.

Wickramasinghe, Nira, ‘Sri Lanka in 2013. Post-war Oppressive Stability’, Asian Survey, Vol
54 (1), pp. 199-2015, 2014

Wickramasinghe, Nira, ‘Sri Lanka in 2014. Cracks in the Edifice’, Asian Survey, Vol 55, No
1, pp. 60-66, 2015