>Populism >Freedom of Expression >Checks & Balances >Neo-Authoritarianism >De-Democratisation
Eds. Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, Paul Taggart, Paulina Ochoa Espejo, and Pierre Ostiguy (2017) The Oxford Handbook of Populism. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 19 Nov. 2018, from http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198803560.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780198803560.
Oneline access and to individual chapters below:
- Populism: An Overview of the Concept and the State of the ArtCristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, Paul Taggart, Paulina Ochoa Espejo, and Pierre Ostiguy
Part I Concepts
- Populism: An Ideational ApproachCas Mudde
- Populism: A Political-Strategic ApproachKurt Weyland
- Populism: A Socio-Cultural ApproachPierre Ostiguy
Part II Regions
- Populism in AfricaDanielle E. Resnick
- Populism in Australia and New ZealandBenjamin Moffitt
- Populism in Central and Eastern EuropeBen Stanley
- Populism in East AsiaOlli Hellmann
- Populism in IndiaChristophe Jaffrelot and Louise Tillin
- Populism in Latin AmericaCarlos de la Torre
- Populism in the Post-Soviet StatesLuke March
- Populism in the United StatesJoseph Lowndes
- Populism in Western EuropePaul Taggart
Part III Issues
- Populism and Its CausesKirk A. Hawkins, Madeleine Read, and Teun Pauwels
- Populism and Political PartiesKenneth M. Roberts
- Populism and Social MovementsParis Aslanidis
- Populism and TechnocracyChristopher Bickerton and Carlo Invernizzi Accetti
- Populism and NationalismBenjamin De Cleen
- Populism and FascismRoger Eatwell
- Populism and Foreign PolicyBertjan Verbeek and Andrej Zaslove
- Populism and IdentificationFrancisco Panizza
- Populism and GenderSahar Abi-Hassan
- Populism and ReligionJosé Pedro Zúquete
- Populism and the MediaLuca Manucci
- Populism and the Question of How to Respond to ItCristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser
Part IV Normative Debates
- Populism and the History of Popular SovereigntyDuncan Kelly
- Populism and HegemonyYannis Stavrakakis
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