Netanyahu’s Address to the seventy third session of the United Nations General Assembly, 27 September 2018
Archives de catégorie : Documents
Matteo Salvini
TIME-Interview with Matteo Salvini.
‘We Want to Change Things from Within.’ Italy’s Matteo Salvini on His Goal to Reshape Europe
Modi: transcript of speech
Modi’s speech at Parivartan Maha rally, Moradabad
December 3, 2016
Modi’s first speech in Parliament
June 2014
Attention: this section needs further editing.
Italian National Election Studies
The authoritative Italian national election studies. Restricted access.
Poll of Polls – Italy
Overview of Italian Public Opinion Polls
Attention: This website is not subject to academic or journalistic quality control. Carefully check sources of polls presented on this website.
Reuters, Nov 2, 2018: League’s Salvini is Italy’s real leader, poll finds
Zavecz Research
Public & Political Opinion Surveys (in Hungarian)
International Republican Institute
General Survey of Public Opinions on Politics in Hungary
National Democratic Institute
Youth, Democracy, and Politics: Public Opinion Research in Hungary, Feb 9, 2018
No authoritative high-quality data for recent years!
Document summarsing public opinion surveys realised by “Venebarometro”
International news agencies like Reuters regularily cite private Venezualan public opinion research center Datanálisis, e.g.:
Reuters / Oct 3, 2017: Venezuela’s Maduro approval rises to 23 percent after Trump sanctions: poll
Reuters / June 10, 2017: Poll finds 85 percent of Venezuelans oppose constitution revision
Russian Federation
Yuri Levada Analytical Center
Indicators include:
Public approval of Vladimir Putin
Public approval of Dmitri Medvedev
Public approval of the Russian government
VCIOM Russian Public Opinion Research Center
Indicators include:
Public assessment of economic, political, and overall situation in the country
United States of America
American National Election Studies
The authoritative US election studies. Restricted access.
Pew Research Center: Tump
Collection of surveys concerning Donald Trump by major US public opinion research center Pew
Gallup: Trump
Weekly public approval of D. Trump’s presidency by major US public opinion research center Gallup
Quality of Democracy, Individual & Social Human Rights
This is a collection of internationally comparative surveys of the quality of democracy as well as the enforcement of individual as well as social human rights.
A comprehensive collection of sourveys, data sources, and other indices evaluating “quality of democracy” and related topics is offered on the website of the project “Democracy Barometer“. It includes surveys on the following topics:
Democracy and Governance Measures (13 sources)
Human Rights and Individual Liberties (9 sources)
Elections and Direct Democracy (12 sources)
Transparency (4 sources )
Freedom of the Press and Media Systems (5 sources)
Bureaucracy and Role of Law (5 sources)
Comparative Data on Constitutions (2 sources)
International Surveys (11 sources)
Cross-Disciplinar and Comparative Datasets and Databanks (9 sources)
The European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on Public Opinion and Voting Behaviour in a comparative perspective offers a Collection of hyperlinks to all the availlable National Election Studies on their website (20 sources in total).
The Democracy Barometer
The Democracy Barometer is a new instrument to measure the quality of established democracies based on a unprecedentedly broad variety of indicators. Explore the dataset and create your own graphs right on the website.
(Collaborating institutions: Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin / National Centre for Competence in Research Challanges to Democracy in the 21st Century / Schweizer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung)
Global Democracy Ranking
The Democracy Ranking applies the following conceptual formula: Quality of Democracy = (freedom & other characteristics of the political system) & (performance of the non-political dimensions). The non-political dimensions are: gender, economy, knowledge, health, and the environment.
Last update: 2016
Global State of Democracy Index
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA)
The Global State of Democracy indices depict democratic trends at the country, regional and global levels across a broad range of different attributes of democracy from 1975–2015. The indices present data for 155 countries around the world and consist of 5 main democracy attributes and 16 subattribute scores per country per year.
Freedom House: Freedom in the World Survey Famous US-American survey measuring how “free” the countries of the world are based on a variety of indicators of civil and political freedoms.
The Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index
The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index is based on five categories: electoral process and pluralism; civil liberties; the functioning of government; political participation; and political culture. Based on their scores on 60 indicators within these categories, each country is then itself classified as one of four types of regime: full democracy; flawed democracy; hybrid regime; and authoritarian regime.
Human Development Index
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and have a decent standard of living. It focuses on societies’ provision of “capabilities” to individuals.
Social Progress Index
The Social Progress Index measures the extent to which countries provide for the social and environmental needs of their citizens. Fifty-four indicators in the areas of basic human needs, foundations of well-being, and opportunity to progress show the relative performance of nations.
The Human Rights measurement initiative
Provides measurements of the enforcement of human rights (individual & social). Includes both advice on methodology and findings.
Social and Economic Rights Fulfillment Index Economic and Social Rights Empowerment Initiative
ESCR-Net Monitoring of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights enforcement
International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
International Labour Organization
Indexes and Reports on Labour standards, the Freedom of Association, etc.
Narendra Modi- in surveys
Mood of the Nation Surveys (Lokniti, Programme for Comparative Democracy)
The Lokniti-CSDS-ABP News Mood of the Nation surveys show Mr.Narendra Modi’s decreasing popularity. From a fairly comfortable position in May 2017, Mr.Modi and his government have been subject to an ascendent anti-incumbency sentiment. The people are increasingly dissatisfied with the Modi government’s performance, increasingly believe that Acche Din have not arrived, Vikas (development) has been absent or for the few instead of the many. The opposition has gained a lot of ground in terms of popularity with Rahul Gandhi’s popularity increasing with passing time just as Narendra Modi’s popularity declines. Even though Modi still remains the most favoured to become the next prime minister among his rivals, his hold is slowly and steadily decreasing. These could be because of rural distress, rising fuel prices, falling rupee, unorganised implementation of the GST bill, demonetisation, law and order failures, Rafalegate and the huge costs of building the Patel statue. The state election in late 2018 would be highly indicative of the staying power of the Modi wave. This is primarily because in all the three states going to the polls, Modi’s popularity remains high. It remains to be seen whether that converts into votes for the BJP.
- Lokniti-ABP-News-Mood-of-the-Nation-Survey Round 3 May 2018