Research team

Olivier Borraz

For the last 15 years, Olivier Borraz has conducted research in the field of risk.

Initially, he was interested in crises in the area of food safety and controversies surrounding environmental health. In addition, he has analyzed decision-making processes in health safety, the creation and operation of health safety agencies, and more generally risk regulation policies in both the health and environmental sectors.

He later began to explore issues surrounding the emergence or non-emergence of certain environmental health risks, as well as the production of related knowledge and skills.

More recently, his research has taken two directions. On the one hand, he analyzes the role of government in crisis preparation and management, looking specifically at the nuclear sector. On the other, he is participating in a comparative study on the spread of risk instruments in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands, in sectors as diverse as occupational health, flooding, criminal policy, and education.

Lastly, he is working to develop a socio-economic analysis of risk.

In 2008, he published Les politiques du Risque(Sciences Po University Press) and a new series devoted to public policy (Politiques Publiques, Sciences Po University Press) with Virginie Guiraudon.

At the CSO, he directs the Risk governance program and collaborates on the healthcare program.

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Hamit Bozarslan

PhD in history (EHESS, 1992) and in political sciences (IEP, 1994), Hamit Bozarslan teaches at the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales. His publications include Crise, violence et dé-civilisation. Essai sur les angles morts de la cité (Paris, CNRS éditions, 2019) ; Révolution et état de violence. Moyen-Orient 2011-2015 (Paris, CNRS Editions) ; Histoire de la Turquie. De l’Empire à nos jours (Paris, 2013, Tallandier, 2015), (co-authered with G. Batallion & C. Jaffrelot, New York, Routledge, 2017) ; Une histoire de la violence au Moyen-Orient. De la fin de l’Empire ottoman à al-Qaida (Paris, La Découverte, 2008) ; La question kurde : Etats et minorités au Moyen-Orient (Paris, Presses de Sciences-Po, 1997).

Jean-Louis Briquet

Jean-Louis Briquet is a political scientist and CNRS researcher at the Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique (CESSP), CNRS-EHESS-Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France. His main fields of research concern unofficial politics (clientelism, corruption, and political criminality), sociology of local politics and élites, especially in France and Italy. He is the author of La tradition en mouvement. Clientélisme et politique en Corse, Paris, Belin, 1997 and Mafia, justice et politique en Italie. L’affaire Andreotti dans la crise de la République (1992-2004), Paris, Karthala, 2008. His recent publications include: “Le vote au village des Corses de l’extérieur. Dispositifs de contrôle et expression des sentiments”, Revue française de science politique, vol. 66, n. 5, p. 653-772 ; « Klientelimus und Politisierung : Das Beispiel Korsikas wärhend der Dritten Französischen Republik (1870-1940) », in Hedwig Richter, Hubertus Buchstein, Hrsg., Kultur und Praxis der Wahlen. Eine Geschichte der modernen Demokratie, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2017, p. 85-99 ; « Compétition électorale et politisation du territoire : les élections municipales de 2014 dans une petite ville de Bourgogne », in Sandrine Lévêque, Anne-France Taiclet, dir., A la conquête des ville. Sociologie des élections municipales de 2014, Lille, Presses du Septentrion, 2018, p. 147-179 (avec Guillaume Letourneur, Pierre Rouxel et Marie Vannetzel).

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David Camroux

MCU (Senior Lecturer) in Asian Studies seconded to Sciences Po from the University of Paris 7 since 1998, and a researcher at the CERI since 1990. In East Asia, David Camroux is a Visiting Professor at Yonsei University (Seoul), Keio University (Tokyo) and the University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur). His previous positions at Sciences Po , were as Director of Studies at the Centre des hautes études sur l’Afrique et l’Asie modernes (CHEAM), from 1994-1998, and Executive Director of the Asia-Europe Centre from 1998-2004. Prior to this, he held positions at the University of Paris 12 and the University of Paris 8 (St Denis).

He was the founding European Corresponding Editor of The Pacific Review from 1994 till 2008. He is co-editor of the Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs David Camroux studied for his first degree at the University of Sydney and for his doctorate at the Sorbonne. He has been an academic advisor and evaluator for EC financed European Studies programmes in Vietnam (2001-2004) and in China (2004-2008) as well as other occasional consultancy activities for the European Commission. He was a board member for the EU-NESCA (Network of European Studies in Asia) FP6 project (2005 – 2009) and is on the advisory board of the EsiA ( European Studies in Asia ) network established by the Asia-Europe Foundation , Singapore in 2005. His interdisciplinary academic background in history and the social sciences has led to a research approach which draws on both comparative politics and international relations theories and methods.

At the CERI he participates in the research group on International Relations and Migration. He was involved in the EU-funded FP6 research network, GARNET , and coordinates the CERI’s participation in an FP7 project, Mercury. He is a regular commentator on Southeast Asian and Australasian matters for the media. For his academic achievements, he was made a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes académiques in July 1993 and a Chevalier de l’Ordre des arts et des lettres in May 1997.

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Samy Cohen

Samy Cohen holds a Ph.D. in political science from Sciences Po. He taught in the Research Master of International Relations at the University of Paris 1, in the Research Master of International Relations atSciences Po and in Sciences Po’s doctoral school. He is author and / or editor of more than twelve books and collaborative volumes. In addition to his work on foreign policy and defense and to his interest in interviewing elites methodology, his research focused on the role of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of the French militaries, on the relations between States and non-State actors, on democracies at the war against terrorism, on Tsahal’s war against terrorism and on the Israeli Peace movement.

He was member of the Scientific Council of Sciences Po (2007-2011) and of the editorial board of the review Inflexions. He is member of the Scientific Council of the French Research Center of Jerusalem (CRFJ) and of the Scientific board of the review Les Champs de Mars, Revue d’études sur la guerre et la paix.

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Olivier Dabène

Olivier Dabène holds a Ph.D. in political science from the Institut d’études politiques of Grenoble. Full Professor at Sciences Po since 2005. Founder and president,Observatoire Politique de l’Amérique Latine et des Caraïbes. Director of the Europe-Latin-America Sciences Po undergraduate program in Poitiers (2006-2011); head of Sciences Po department of political science (2010-2012), visiting professor in many Universities abroad, his research focuses on the processes of regional integration in the Americas and the state of democracy in Latin America.

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Françoise Daucé

FrançoiseDaucé is a Professor (Directrice d’études) at the Center for Russian, Caucasianand East-European Studies (CERCEC) at the School of Advanced Social SciencesStudies (EHESS) in Paris. She was awarded her PhD from the Institute ofPolitical Studies of Paris. Her current research interests are relationshipsbetween power institutions and social organizations in contemporary Russia,particularly the paradoxical use of civil society development programs toreinforce State controls over NGOs. She also works on a research programdevoted to professional practices of journalists in contemporary Russian media.Her book, Une paradoxale oppression. Le pouvoir et les associationsen Russie was published in 2013 at CNRS Editions. She has also published in a range of journals,including Critique Internationale, Problems of post-Communism,Journal of Civil Society, Europe-Asia Studies and Réseaux.She is director of the CERCEC from 2015.

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David Delfolie

David Delfolie est chargé d’enseignement en sociologie et science politique à l’Université Paris 1. Il est associé à l’IRASEC (USR 3142 – UMIFRE 22 CNRS MAEDI). Ses thématiques de recherche incluent la politique, société et histoire contemporaine de la Malaisie ainsi que l’ilslam et la finance islamique en Malaisie . Il est également enseignant à Sciences Po Paris.

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Alain Dieckhoff

Alain Dieckhoff is senior research fellow at CNRS. He holds degrees from the University of Paris 10-Nanterre (Ph.D. in political sociology) and Sciences Po. His research area focuses on politics, contemporary society and transformations of the State in Israel. He also works on the transformations of contemporary nationalism.

He teaches courses at Sciences Po, at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He is a member of the editorial boards of Politique et sociétésMaghreb-MachrekQuestions internationalesand Israel Studies. 

Alain Dieckhoff is director of CERI since January 1st, 2014.

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Berk Esen

Berk Esen is Assistant Professor of International Relations at BilkentUniversity. He received his Ph.D. in Government from Cornell University in2015. His research and teaching interests include political economy ofdevelopment, party politics, state-building, democratization, and authoritarianregimes with a focus on Latin America and the Middle East. Prior to joiningBilkent University, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Sabanci Universityand in 2014-2015 was a visiting researcher at Columbia University’s Instituteof Latin American Studies and European Institute. His articles have appeared inthe Third World Quarterly, Turkish Studies, and the Middle East Review ofInternational Affairs.

Dr. Esen’s doctoral thesis investigates why the common challenge of latedevelopment has generated starkly different policy responses and politicaloutcomes in the global south. Drawing on 18 months of fieldwork, it analyzeshow national leaders in Turkey, Mexico, Argentina, and Egypt reacted to tradeimbalances, military threats, and political turmoil during the first half ofthe 20th century with a combined agenda of economic nationalism and state-ledindustrialization, establishing what he terms National Developmentalist states.

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Asma Faiz

Dr. Asma Faiz is Assistant Professor at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Lahore, Pakistan. Her research focuses on ethnic nationalism, party politics and elections in Pakistan. Dr. Faiz’s publications include India-Pakistan Dialogue: Bringing the Society In (RCSS Publications 2007) and Making Federation Work: Federalism in Pakistan After the 18th Amendment (ed.) (Oxford University Press, 2015). 

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Gilles Favarel-Guarrigues

Gilles Favarel-Guarrigues holds a Ph.D. in political science (2000) from Sciences Po. He joined the CERI in 2001. His doctoral dissertation dealt with the fight against economic crime in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia from 1965 till 1995. His post-doctoral works are devoted to the international mobilizations against transnational criminal threats and to criminal policy in contemporary Russia. In 2006, he received the bronze medal of the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research). He has been member of the section 40 of CNRS from 2008 to 2012 and scientific secretary of this section from 2010 to 2012. He co-edits the CERI working papers series Questions de recherche/Research in question and is a member of the editorial board of Critique internationaleCultures & conflitsandPolitix.

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Lauric Henneton

Lauric Henneton (Ph.D) is associate professor at the Institut d’Etudes Culturelles et Internationales (IECI) at the Univesité de Versailles Saint-Quentin, where he teaches British and American history and politics as well as American visual culture. Initially a historian of the historical geopolitics in the early modern Atlantic world, his work has focused on the impact of emotions (fear) on policy-making and his focus has shifted towards contemporary American politics in a deep historical perspective. He has published a Histoire religieuse des Etats-Unis (2012) and La fin du Rêve américain? (2017) and coedited Du bon usage des commémorations: histoire, mémoire et identités XVIe-XXIe s. (2010), Fear and the Shaping of Early American Socities (2016). He is regularly consulted by French-speaking media about American politics and religion. 

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Jérôme Heurtaux

Jérôme Heurtaux is Associate professor in political science at PSL Research University, Paris-Dauphine University, researcher at IRISSO (UMR 7170) and IRMC.

He is core researcher of the ERC project “TARICA” and co-responsible for axis 1, “Recompositions of pluralism and circulation of models in the Arab world”. He is a member of the project “EUNPACK” (Horizon 2020) and coordinator of the Traveling Doctoral School in Social Sciences North Africa and Sub-Saharian Africa.

He is a specialist in sociology of regime change and comparative politics, post-communist central and Eastern Europe (Poland) and the Arab world after the 2010-2011 uprisings (Tunisia). His fields of research are the sociology of political crises, elites and political parties.

He is the author of several books, including Introduction à l’Europe postcommuniste (with Frédéric Zalewski, De Boeck, 2012) ; Paris en campagne (with Éric Agrikoliansky et Brigitte Le Grignou, Croquant, 2011) ; 1989 à l’Est de l’Europe. Une mémoire controversée (with Cédric Pellen, Aube, 2009) et Les sens du vote. Enquête sur des électeurs français (SPEL, PUR, 2016). To be published : La construction de la démocratie par le droit. Sociologie politique de la Pologne (Presses de Sciences po, 2017).

He teaches comparative politics, political sociology, transnational politics and the sociology of crises in Paris Dauphine, Paris Dauphine campus Tunis and Sorbonne Abu Dhabi (PSUAD).

He speaks French, English, Spanish, Polish and learns the Tunisian dialect.

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Christophe Jaffrelot

Christophe Jaffrelot is a CERI-CNRS Senior Research Fellow who teaches at Sciences Po in three different schools. He has served as director of CERI in 2000-2008. He holds degrees from Sciences Po (1985), Sorbonne University (1986), EHESS (1986) and INALCO (National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilisations – 1990) and a Ph.D. in political science from Sciences Po (1991).

He is the senior editor of a CERI-Sciences Po book series, Comparative Politics and International Studies, published by Hurst (London) and Oxford University Press (New York).

He belongs to the editorial board of several journals (incl. India Review, Asian Survey, Nations and Nationalism and International Political Sociology). 

He is a permanent consultant with the Policy Planning Staff of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a Nonresident Scholar with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Washington DC).

He has been visiting Professor at Columbia University, Yale University, Johns Hopkins University and Montreal University. He has been Global Scholar at Princeton University (2012 – 2015) and teaches at the King’s India Institute (London) since 2012.

He is a member of the scientific councils of the Südasien Institut of Heidelberg University, of the Center for the Study of Multilevel Federalism (New Delhi) and of the South Asia Center of Göttingen University.

He’s a member of the Academic Council of Ashoka University, where he serves as chairman of the Trivedi Center for political Data.

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Elise Massicard

Elise Massicard holds degrees in Political Science (Sciences Po), Turkish Studies (INALCO) and Social Sciences (Freie Universität Berlin); she got her doctorate in Political Science from Sciences Po in 2002. A Research Fellow with the CNRS since 2003, she was first affiliated with the Centre d’études administratives, politiques et sociales (CERAPS) in Lille, before joining the Turkish and Ottoman Studies team at the EHESS in 2008. She became a CERI Associate Research Fellow in 2008. In 2009, she was Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley. She works on the political sociology of Turkey, mobilizations, the politics of identity and political territoriality.

A member of the ANR project team on “From cultural frictions to armed conflict: thresholds, scales and modalities of conflictuality (Turkey, Iran, Pakistan)” (2006-2010), she coordinates another ANR project on “Command and compromise: modalities of government and administration in Turkey and in the Ottoman Empire since the 19th century to the present day“. She is a member of the steering Committee of the Institut d’étude de l’islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM), a founding member et and a member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Turkish Studies.

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Xavier Mellet

Xavier Mellet is Assistant Professor at Waseda University’s School of International Liberal Studies in Tokyo. In 2016 he received a PhD degree in political science from SciencesPo Paris, with a thesis entitled “the mediatic composition of populisms. A Japan-France comparison”. His scientific interests include French and Japanese domestic politics, and populism studies.

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Eugénie Mérieau

Eugénie Mérieau is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Alexander von Humboldt Chair of Comparative Constitutionalism, University of Göttingen.  Prior to joining the Chair, she was research and teaching fellow at Sciences Po in Paris (CERI). 

In 2017, she completed her PhD on “Thai Constitutionalism and Legal Transplants: a study of Kingship”, for which she was awarded several prizes. 

She has lived for eight years in Asia where she held several positions including researcher for the King Prajadhipok’s Institute under the Thai Parliament, consultant for the Asia-Pacific Office of the International Commission of Jurists, lecturer at Thammasat University and Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Asian Legal Studies, National University of Singapore

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Eric Meyer

Historian, Eric Meyer first researched on the interaction between colonial capitalism and rural society in South Asia with particular reference to peasants, planters and the State in modern Sri Lanka. Late 20th century developments in Sri Lanka led him to analyse the historical background of a multiple political crisis characterized by youth mobilization, ethnolinguistic identification, religious reaffirmation and democratic decline, and to situate the Sri Lankan case within the general history of South Asia. Combining direct observation of the Sri Lankan political and social scene from the 1970s to the present day, with the analysis of long term cultural trends, his focus is on the instrumentalization of history in the construction of the Sinhala-Buddhist identity, on the development of the Tamil separatist ideology at home and in the diaspora, and on the failure of the Sri Lankan political class. His publications include: Sri Lanka, Biography of an island, between local and global (2006) and Une Histoire de l’Inde, les Indiens face à leur passé (2007, 2nd ed. forthcoming in 2019)

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Elsa Lafaye de Micheaux

Member of the Centre of Southeast Asia Studies, CASE (CNRS-EHESS-INALCO), Paris, Dr Elsa Lafaye de Micheaux is Associate Professor at Rennes 2 University, Rennes in New Political Economy. She is leading a Asean-China-Norms CNRS’ international research network (2019-2023) and co-directing with D. Delfolie the Institut Pondok Perancis in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  As IRASEC Research Fellow and University of Malaya Associate researcher (2014-2016), she has analysed the current transformation of the Malaysian capitalism in comparative perspective. The fast evolving Malaysia-China relation has received a special focus: a two-years comprehensive research has been conducted, leading to new publications and enlarged research topics.

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Thomas Posado

Thomas Posado is doctor (PhD) in Political Science from the University Paris-8 (France) since 2015. His investigations are centred on themes such as venezuelan politics, labor relations and latin american studies. His main publications are Les Etudes du CERI, n°187-188, 2012 ; Les Cahiers ALHIM, n°26, 2013 ; Mouvements, n°76, 2013 ; Alternatives Sud, n°21, 2014 ; IdeAs, n°5, 2015 ; n°10, 2017 ; ContreTemps, n°25, 2015 ; Cahiers des Amériques latines, n°86, 2017 ; Politique étrangère, vol.83, n°1, 2018 ; Pouvoirs, n°169, 2019 (forthcoming). 

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Eduardo Rios Ludena

Researcher at CERI-Sciences Po, expert of the contemporary Venezuelian political economy, he has finished his thesis in 2014 under the supervision of Olivier Dabène et Franck Poupeau on the topic: “Embedding industrial policy in oil-States: the mixed-effects of an uncoordinated State and the strategies of the Venezuelan business elites at the close of an oil boom.”

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Kathy Rousselet

Alumnus of the Ecole normale supérieure; holds a Ph.D. (1990) from Sciences Po. Kathy Rousselet is Associate Fellow at the Centre d’études des monde russe, caucasien et centre-européen of the EHESS and member of the editorial boards of the Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest and of Archives de sciences sociales des religions
Member of the research group on “Identities, Power and Identifications”. 
Her work focuses primarily on social and religious transformations in post-Soviet Russia.

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Jacques Rupnik

Jacques Rupnik holds degrees in history from the University of Paris 1 Sorbonne, political science from Sciences Po, a Master’s in Soviet Studies from Harvard University (1974) and a Ph.D. in history of international relations from the University of Paris 1 Sorbonne (1978). 
Former associated researcher at the Russian Research CenterHarvard University (1974-1975); Eastern Europe expert for the BBC World Service (1977-1982); executive director of the International Commission for the Balkans, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1995-1996); member of the Independent International Commission on Kosovo (1999-2000); and visiting professor at the Department of Government, Harvard University (2006).

Editor-in-chief of Transeuropéennes (1992-2003). Advisor to the former President of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Havel (1990-1992); advisor to the European Commission since 2007. Member of the scientific committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague (since 1998); visiting professor at the College of Europe, Bruges (since 1999); member of the scientific board of the Prague Institute of International Relations (since 2007).

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Paulus Wagner

Paulus Wagner’s research at LIEPP-Sciences Po focuses on connections between changes in welfare regimes and voting for radical and populist political parties amongst « advanced liberal democracies » during the 2010s. 

He finished a BA in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Vienna and the Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow. After this, he completed an MA in International Political Economy at King’s College, London, and another research master’s in Social Sciences (specialisation: Comparative Development Studies) at EHESS, Paris.

Besides this academic pathway, he gained valuable insights into other professional fields by completing internships in journalism (with DIE WELT in Berlin and ZDF in Vienna), diplomacy (Austrian Embassy in Zagreb, Croatia) and oil&gas industry (OMV, Vienna).

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Nira Wikramasinghe

Nira Wikramasinghe’s primary interests are identity politics, everyday life under colonialism and the relationship between state and society in modern South Asia. She has pursued these interests through investigation into such diverse themes as politics of dress, civil society, citizens and migrants, and objects of consumption. Trained as a historian, she has written on late colonial and modern Sri Lanka, using a variety of archives. In the last few years, her work has moved from a focus on national history albeit from a non-state perspective to an approach that contests the nation as a frame and attempts to capture other dimensions of belonging which might be best encapsulated in the term “postnational”. She has completed a book on ordinary peoples’ encounter with the “modern” using as a lens machines such as the sewing machine, gramophone, tram and bicycle. Her current research addresses the genre of minor histories through studies of slaves, migrants and mutineers in the Indian Ocean world. In addition to her research and teaching she intervenes regularly in public debates and contribute essays and op.eds to Opendemocracy and the Wall Street Journal.

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