Narendra Modi

Modi making speech …
At an RSS gathering
Masks of Modi
Statues As Selfies

Source: ‘Statues As Selfies‘ Aakash Joshi, Indian Express, 
November 20, 2018
Modi celebrates with Diwali soldiers to show support, and valuing their patriotsm October 2017
Japan PM in Varanasi: Shinzo Abe, Narendra Modi witness Ganga aarti at ghat
PM Shinzo Abe and PM Modi take a selfie as they attend the aarti ceremony on the banks of the Ganga river at Varanasi, December 2018 
« Eternal friendship » Official sign-board welcoming French President Macron’s visit to Varanasi, Date 2018
Modi with Obama at Republic Day event, Date

N. Modi hugging B. Netanjahu

Campaigning materia

Internet memes, accessed 19/05/2017



OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
paulus (8 novembre 2018). Narendra Modi. Democratic Decline. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

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